
2024年六月內觀禪十 (10-Day Vipassana Meditation Retreat)

6/19/2024 – 6/28/2024

位於新墨西哥州的美國法雲禪寺禪學院,2024年6月19~28 日禮請 方丈 法曜法師 (Amata Meditation Center) 及 石媽媽 (神山禪修中心) 到學院帶領禪修, 課程將以英文和中文教授。 The Fayun Prajna Monastery cordially invites Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa Sak (Amata Meditation Center) and Shih Mum (Mount Kinabalu Meditation Centre) to lead a 10-day Vipassana Meditation Retreat at its beautiful campus in Vadito, NM during 6/19 and 6/28/2024. The lectures will be conducted in both English and Mandarin.

名額有限,即日起歡迎報名。Seats are limited. Please sign up as soon as possible.

若非全程參加,請在報名表"備註欄"註明參加日期.If you could only attend the retreat partially, please specify your arrival and departure dates in the “Note” section in the registration form below.

禪修報名表 Meditation Retreat Application Form

接送機申請表 ABQ or SAF Airport Pickup Reservation Form

禪學院聯絡電話 Phone:1-575-587-0544

禪學院教務處電郵 Email:fypm.edu@gmail.com